Browsing by Author Polop, Jaime J
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Aug-2018 | Diferencia espacial de la incidencia de fiebre hemorrágica argentina y la composición y abundancia de roedores en el ensamble | Piacenza, María F ; Calderón, Gladys ; Enria, Delia ; Provensal, María C ; Polop, Jaime J |
Aug-2018 | Effective population size differences in Calomys musculinus, the host of Junín Virus: their relationship with the epidemiological history of Argentine Hemorrhagic fever | Chiappero, Marina B ; Piacenza, María Florencia ; Provensal, María Cecilia ; Calderón, Gladys ; Gardenal, Cristina N ; Polop, Jaime J |
Dec-2005 | Predictive distribution maps of rdent reservoir species of zoonoses in South America | Porcasi, X ; Calderón, Gladys E. ; Lamfri, Mario ; Scavuzzo, Marcelo ; Sabattini, Marta S. ; Polop, Jaime J |
4-Jul-2011 | Providing management options to control corn mouse (Calomys musculinus) reservoir populations using a cohort structured model | Piacenza, M. F. ; Gomez, M. D. ; Simone, I. ; Lamfri, Mario ; Scavuzzo, C. M. ; Calderón, Gladys ; Polop, Jaime J |
2005 | Sensores remotos en el estudio de enfermedades zoonóticas | Polop, Jaime J ; Porcasi, X ; Calderón, Gladys ; Lamfri, Mario ; Scavuzzo, Marcelo ; Priotto, José W ; Provensal, María Cecilia ; Polop, Francisco J ; Costa, Federico ; Simone, I. ; Pini, Noemí ; Levis, Silvana ; Enria, Delia |
Jun-2005 | Serological study of the lymphochoriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in an inner city of Argentina | Riera, Laura ; Castillo, Ernesto ; Saavedra, María del Carmen ; Priotto, José W ; Sottosanti, María J. ; Polop, Jaime J ; Ambrosio, Ana María |
29-Mar-2007 | Spatial variation in abundance of the junin virus hosts in endemic and nonendemic Argentine haemorrhagic fever zones | Polop, Jaime J ; Calderón, Gladys ; Feuillade, María Rosa ; Garcia, Jorge ; Enria, Delia ; Sabattini, Marta S. |
Jun-2010 | Temporal and spatial host abundance and prevalence of Andes hantavirus in southern Argentina | Polop, Francisco J ; Provensal, María Cecilia ; Pini, Noemí ; Levis, Silvana ; Priotto, José W ; Enria, Delia ; Calderón, Gladys ; Costa, Federico ; Polop, Jaime J |
26-Feb-2005 | The use of satellite data in modeling population dynamics and prevalence of infection in the rodent reservoir of Junin virus | Porcasi, X ; Calderón, Gladys ; Lamfri, Mario ; Gardenal, Cristina N ; Polop, Jaime J ; Sabattini, Marta S. ; Scavuzzo, C. M. |