Glass, G. E.

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Glass, G. E.
Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.176 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2007 | A survey of zoonotic pathogens carried by Norway rats in Baltimore, Maryland, USA | Easterbrook, J. D. ; Kaplan, J. B. ; Vanasco, Bibiana N. ; Reeves, W. K. ; Purcell, R. H. ; Kosoy, M. Y. ; Glass, G. E. ; Watson, J. ; Klein, S. L. |
2 | Nov-1997 | Structure and floristics of habitats associated with five rodent species in an agroecosystem in Central Argentina | Ellis, Barbara A. ; Mills, James N. ; Childs, J. E. ; Muzzini, M. C. ; McKee Jr, Kelly T. ; Enria, Delia ; Glass, G. E. |