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Campos, Rodolfo Héctor


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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
1ene-2015Genetic characterization and clinical implications of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) variants from northeastern ArgentinaBadano, Inés ; Totaro, Maria Elina ; Culasso, Andrés Carlos Alberto ; Sanabria, Daiana Jimena ; Schurr, Theodore G ; Balette, Ileana Cristina ; Roisman, Alejandro ; Basiletti, Jorge ; Picconi, María Alejandra ; Campos, Rodolfo Héctor ; Liotta, Domingo Javier 
2jul-2002'Hbe minus' mutants of hepatitis B virus. Molecular characterization and its relation to viral genotypesLopez, Jose Luis ; Mbayed, Viviana Andrea ; Telenta, P F S ; González, Jorge E. ; Campos, Rodolfo Héctor